1. Ctrl + 5 1.5 line spacing
2. Ctrl + Alt + 1 change text to heading 1
3. Ctrl + Alt + 2 change text to heading 2
4. Ctrl + Alt + 3 change text to heading 3
5. F1 open help
6. Shift + F3 change case of selected text
7. Shift + Inset paste
8. F4 repeat last action performed (word 2000+)
9. F7 spell check selected text and or document
10. Shift + F7 activate the save as
11. F12 save as
12. Ctrl + S save
13. Shift + F12 save
14. Alt + Shift + D insert the current date
15. Alt + Shift + T insert the current time
16. Ctrl + W close document
1. Window + D bring desktop to tool of other windows
2. Window + M minimize all windows
3. Window + Shift + M undo the minimize done by window + M and window +D
4. Window + E open Microsoft explorer
5. Window + Tab cycle through open programs on taskbar
6. Window + F display the window search / find feature
7. Window + Ctrl + F display the search computer window
8. Window + F1 display the Microsoft windows help
9. Window + R open the run window
10. Window + Pause/Break open the system properties window
11. Window + U open the utility manager
12. Window + L lock the computer (window XP and later)