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All Type Computer Laptop Mobile Trainging And Repairing.

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Showing posts with label https://shakyaanjali.blogspot.com/2021/04/brief-note-on-keyboard.html. Show all posts
Showing posts with label https://shakyaanjali.blogspot.com/2021/04/brief-note-on-keyboard.html. Show all posts



👉Mouse and its Buttons

The mouse is one of the main parts of a computer.  It makes working on a computer very easy for us.
Look at the following picture of a mouse and find out what the main parts of a mouse are.

💨 The  button that lies to the left side of the mouse is called the Left Mouse                         Button.
💨 The button that lies to the right side of the mouse is called  the Right Mouse                Button.
💨 A mouse device may also have a third button , called the Scroll Button or                       Scroll Wheel.

👉Mouse  pointer

Look carefully at the computer monitor shown here .Do you se a small arrow shape on the monitor screen? This is called the Mouse Pointer. The mouse pointer helps us point at ,select and click things on the monitor screen .

When we move the mouse on the mouse pad ,the pointer also moves on the monitor screen. 

💨 Always keep the mouse on the mouse pad .

💨 Make sure that the mouse is kept in such a way that its buttons point towards the computer.

💨 Do not pull the mouse in a hurry . Move it softly on the mouse pad.

👉How to Hold the Mouse 

To start working with the mouse , you must first learn to hold the mouse properly.

👍If you are a right -hander

💨 Place your index finger on the left mouse button.

💨 Place your middle finger on the right mouse button.

💨 Hold the mouse gently with the rest of your fingers.

👍 If you are a left -hander

💨 Place your middle finger on the left mouse button.

💨 Place your index finger on the right mouse button.

💨 Hold the mouse gently with the rest of your fingers.

👉Using the Mouse

Look at the picture to find out what these child are doing with their respective computer mouse devices.

When we bring the mouse pointer over the things on the monitor screen by moving the mouse, it is called Pointing.

👉 Clicking with the Mouse

The mouse makes a clicking sound when we press and release its button.

When we move the mouse keeping the left mouse button pressed, this action is called Dragging.

When  we press and release the left mouse button two time quickly, we Double -click the mouse.

✊ Terms to Remember

  • Pointing    -    Bringing the mouse pointer over  an object on the computer                                           screen ,by moving the mouse.
  • Clicking    -   Pressing and releasing the left mouse button quickly once.
  • Dragging   -  Moving the mouse while keeping its left button pressed.
  • Double-clicking   -  Pressing and releasing the left mouse button twice quickly.      

✊  Main Points 
  • The mouse is one  of the main parts of a computer.
  • When we move the mouse on the mouse pad, the pointer also moves on the monitor  screen .
  • To start working with the mouse , we must first learn to hold the mouse properly.
When we bring the mouse pointer over the things, it is called pointing. 

