1. Ctrl + A select all contents of the page
2. Ctrl + B bold highlighted selection
3. Ctrl + C copy selected text
4. Ctrl + X cut selected text
5. Ctrl + N open new/blank document
6. Ctrl + O open options
7. Ctrl + P open the print window
8. Ctrl + F open find box
9. Ctrl + I italicize highlighted selection
10. Ctrl + K insert link
11. Ctrl + U underline highlighted selection
12. Ctrl + V paste
13. Ctrl + Y redo the last action performed
14. Ctrl + Z undo last action
15. Ctrl + G find and replace options
16. Ctrl + H find and replace options
17. Ctrl + J justify paragraph alignment
18. Ctrl + L align selected text or line to the left
19. Ctrl + Q align selected paragraph to the left
20. Ctrl + E align selected text or line to the center
21. Ctrl + R align selected text or line to the right
22. Ctrl + M ident the paragraph
23. Ctrl + I hanging indent
24. Ctrl + D font option
25. Ctrl + Shift + F change the font
26. Ctrl + Shift + > increase selected font +1
27. Ctrl + ] increase selected font +1
28. Ctrl + Shift + < decrease selected font -1
29. Ctrl + [ decrease selected font -1
30. Ctrl + Shift + * view or hide non printing character
31. Ctrl + ← move one word to the left
32. Ctrl + → move one word to the right
33. Ctrl + ↑ move to the beginning of the line or paragraph
34. Ctrl + ↓ move to the end of the paragraph
35. Ctrl + Del delete word to right of cursor
36. Ctrl + Backspace delete word to left of cursor
37. Ctrl + End move cursor to the end of document
38. Ctrl + Home move cursor to the beginning of document
39. Ctrl + Space reset highlighted text to default font
40. Ctrl + 1 single space lines
41. Ctrl + 2 double space lines